Engineering Advances

We’re delighted to announce a new initiative from Elsevier’s engineering program: Engineering Advances.

The themes for the papers presented in 2015 are the solutions engineering can offer for more sustainable development.

Engineers and engineering solutions are at the heart of addressing the global challenge of sustainable development. With expanding populations, the depletion of natural resources, and increased manufacturing demands, the world turns to engineering to find solutions for sustainable development.

Here on, Engineering Advances will collect together invited short reviews of current research by experts in their respective fields.

The concise review papers comprising Engineering Advances will be made freely accessible through Open Access support from Elsevier, and will be written in a format that is easily digestible for busy practitioners as well as those working in research spanning engineering, materials science and other disciplines. In addition, specially selected supplementary materials and papers referenced in the Engineering Advances reviews will be made freely available to Materials Today members.

We welcome your feedback and suggestions for future Engineering Advances reviews. To nominate topics and authors for Engineering Advances, click here.

Engineering Advances

Engineering Advances content will soon be available to view below.