The top five candidates of the Gerhard Ertl Young Investigator Award 2016 that have qualified for the final round of selection, have been announced.

Fabio Donati, EPFL, Switzeland

Oliver Hoffmann, University of Graz, Austria

Takashi Kumagai, Fritz-Haber-Institut, Berlin, Germany

Paolo Sessie, University of Wuerzburg, Germany

Martin Setvin, Technische Hochschule Wien, Austria

These highly qualified candidates will be asked to give 30-minute (25 min. talk and 5 min. discussion) oral presentations in a special session at the DPG Spring Meeting of the Surface Science Division.

The prize committee will then select the winner and she/he will receive a certificate plus the cash prize of EUR 3,000. The runner ups will receive  EUR 500 as recognition of their efforts.

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