Abstract: Nanomaterials offer innovations in water purification technology with decreased operational and capital cost, reduced dosage, and improved pollutant selectivity. In particular, inorganic nanoparticles (NPs)/cellulose hybrid nanocomposites have attracted growing interest due to the unique properties of cellulose and high specific surface area of NPs and their pollutant selectivity. The integration with cellulose brings benefits to inorganic NPs for water treatment, including preventing agglomeration, ensuring colloidal stability, and allowing for separation by magnetic nanoparticles after purification. In this review, firstly, conventional water treatment technologies are introduced (Section 1). Following this, an overview of inorganic NPs/cellulose composites for water treatment (Section 2) is presented. Moreover, engineering of such hybrid composites is discussed (Section 3). Furthermore, water purification of inorganic NPs/cellulose through adsorption of pollutants (Section 4) and non-adsorption (catalytic, photocatalytic, and antibacterial) activities (Section 5) are highlighted. Finally, conclusions and outlook are provided (Section 6).

Water treatment via non-membrane inorganic nanoparticles/cellulose composites
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DOI: 10.1016/j.mattod.2021.03.024