Characterization CHANGE TOPIC

Characterization news, May 2021

earth-abundant molten salt, based on seawater-derived sodium chloride, is stable enough to be used for solar thermal energy storage

Call for Papers: New Journal

Scientists have found a way to arrange 2D sheets of tungsten disulfide into a 3D configuration known as a nanomesh, which has a modified energy landscape.

By doping electrons into an antiferromagnetic material, researchers have found they can turn its antiferromagnetism on and off in a controllable way.

By eliminating the anode and reducing the water content of the electrolyte, researchers have developed a stable, highly efficient sodium-ion battery.

Scientists have characterized how the electronic states in an exotic iron-based superconductor depend on local chemical concentrations.

Using a specially modified atomic force microscope, researchers have been able to determine the proton affinity of individual atoms on a surface.

A hydrogel-based material that mimics the structure of the lobster's underbelly is able to withstand repeated stretches and strains without tearing.

Scientists have glimpsed the signature of an exotic phase of matter called pair-density waves in an unconventional superconductor.

Scientists have used sophisticated microscopy techniques to reveal how the gold in gold-silver nanoparticles can prevent the silver from leaching out.

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Scientists have uncovered the mechanisms that cause a mixture of cornstarch and water known as ‘oobleck’ to switch between a liquid and a solid.
