Elsevier, a world-leading publisher of scientific, technical and medical information products and services, today announced the launch of SciVerse, an innovative platform that integrates the company's key products and encourages the scientific community to collaborate on the development of customized search and discovery applications. Elsevier has committed to releasing the APIs (application programming interfaces) for all of the content on SciVerse and will offer application development support tools on the site.

SciVerse Hub beta allows for a single search across its integrated content with results ranked by relevancy and without duplication, saving valuable researcher time.
Combining familiar resources with new efficiencies, SciVerse also enables interoperability among ScienceDirect, Scopus and the new SciVerse Hub beta. For example, ScienceDirect users who also subscribe to Scopus will now be able to access key author information without leaving the article, and link directly into comprehensive lists of all an author's documents and citations in Scopus.
"As a physician scientist, there is vast amount of information that is available for potential discoveries which has limited my ability to find and consume the right information in the time I have available for research," said Dr. Fatima Cody Stanford, Palmetto Health/ University of South Carolina School of Medicine. "Applications that provide more intelligent results will significantly improve my workflow. I am very excited about the first SciVerse applications and eager to see new additions as the larger community begins development."
For more information about SciVerse, please visit www.info.sciverse.com.