Crystalline CHANGE TOPIC

Crystalline materials news, December 2020

Researchers have discovered that 'weak' Van der Waals interactions are still sufficient to form bumps in rigid silver nanosheets.

Researchers used computer simulations to model the effects of elemental composition on the glass-forming ability of metallic mixtures.

Researchers have found a new way to predict the properties of metal alloys based on reactions at the boundaries between their crystalline grains.

Researchers have discovered that a process known as crystal gliding is responsible for damage to single-crystal, nickel-rich cathodes in batteries.

Researchers have developed a perovskite crystal that can detect gamma rays and a method to produce it in large volumes.

Improved solar energy storage using a molecular machine

A new tool that uses light to map out the electronic structures of 2D crystals could reveal the capabilities of emerging quantum materials.

A titanium atom that wants to be in two places at once is responsible for the poor thermal conductivity of the crystalline solid barium titanium sulfide.

Researchers have discovered that metal-organic frameworks need to be flexible in order to separate gases efficiently.

Researchers have developed an ultrafast way, based on plasma processing, to produce stable perovskite cells and assemble them into solar modules.

A novel AI algorithm called CAMEO was able to discover a potentially useful new material without requiring additional training from scientists.

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A 3D model created by AI helped researchers to understand the formation of dislocations in complex polycrystalline materials.

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