Electronic properties news, August 2021

Researchers have produced carbon nanotube fibers that can act as a thermoelectric generator, able to turn heat into electricity.

Researchers have developed a new vascular metamaterial that can be easily reconfigured to modify its thermal and electromagnetic properties.

common household plant, Golden Pothos, shows unusual electrical response that could be harnessed in resistive memory devices

Improved technology for “stubborn” group of metals for thin films in electronics

Researchers have uncovered evidence that a novel superconductor exhibits a charge density wave state that creates its own magnetic field.

By removing oxygen from polycrystalline tin selenide, researchers have produced the most efficient thermoelectric system on record.

Discovery of New Nonlinear Optical Materials

For the first time, researchers have confirmed that colliding electrons in strange metals obey the 'Planckian limit' and accurately measured it.

Using machine learning, researchers have identified important features for characterizing materials that exhibit a metal-insulator transition.

For the first time, scientists have observed a new quantum state potentially related to dark matter, known as an axion insulator, in a 2D antiferromagnet.

As pressure is applied to manganese disulfide in a diamond anvil, it transitions from an insulator to a metallic state and then back to an insulator.

A novel technique that uses blasts of ultrasound to help recycle silver nanowires in electronic devices could work with many other nanomaterials.

Contrary to previous assumptions, researchers have discovered that a 'strange metal' made of ytterbium, rhodium and silicon is a superconductor.

Researchers have observed signs of a rare type of superconductivity known as 'spin-triplet' in magic-angle twisted trilayer graphene.

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