Quantitative EDS analysis has become a standard method in the characterization of samples in the electron microscope.

The software shipped with modern energy dispersive spectrometry systems provides good results in automatic analysis modes with little user interaction for many routine applications. However, there may be cases where less satisfactory or even wrong results are obtained.

This webinar will deal with some of the basic and advanced developments in EDS analysis and address some of the peculiarities of the technique.

The intention is to provide a number of tools and techniques based on the current possibilities and latest developments in quantitative analysis including numerous hints on how to deal with the various challenges that occur day to day during analysis, potential applications will also be covered during the event.

Quantitative analysis

What steps are necessary to obtain quantitative composition data from an EDS spectrum? Content will include details on the development and testing of evaluation strategies for improving result quality, focus will be given to deconvolution of overlapping element peaks.

Analysis of light element and low energy peaks

Bruker has recently developed a novel approach in the analysis of light elements and heavy element peaks at the lower end of the energy dispersive spectrum. Methodology and results are discussed.

Standard-based quantification at low accelerating voltages

 In cases of very low accelerating voltages standard-based quantification may be required. We show how reliable results can be obtained from SEM analysis at a number of acceleration voltages including below 2kV

Applications of EDS analysis direct from the Anadolu University

 Latest results obtained from experiments at Anadolu University, Turkey are presented. Included are analyses at low energies and solutions to difficult peak overlap issues.