Energy news, August 2014

Recipients of the 2013 Acta Student Awards

The awardees selected from papers published in 2013 in the Acta Journals: Acta Materialia, Scripta Materialia, and Acta Biomaterialia are...

Organolead perovskites made from recycled lead for photovoltaics.

Researchers have devised a quick way to test the structural materials used to build nuclear reactors, details reported in the journal Scripta Materialia.

Singapore-based journal records its highest impact factor of 18.432.

Using heat treatment to convert cigarette filters into a supercapacitor material for energy storage.

Notable increases for Elsevier's materials science journals.

Scientists have managed to combine two semiconductor materials, consisting of only three atomic layers each.

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A thin layer of fullerene molecules allows electrons to travel further than previously thought possible in organic solar cells and organic semiconductors.


Read Yury Gogotsi's responses to his webinar: MXenes: a new family of two-dimensional materials.