Energy news, February 2015

Dendrites create fire hazards and can limit the ability of batteries to power our smart phones and store renewable energy for a rainy day.

Adding about one per cent of nanoparticles by weight makes the solar cells more efficient, according to the findings of a team of scientists.

A new initiative involving Elsevier’s engineering journals, editors, authors and referees – titled Engineering Advances.

Specialized peptides binds with nanoparticles to help improve lithium-ion batteries.

Wiggling and evolving carbon nanotube bugs.

Welcome to the Virtual Microscope, the integrated browser based slide viewer that provides access to high resolution whole slide images.

Materials Today lead the way to make it simple for authors to publicly share peer-reviewed, curated, formatted, indexed, citable raw research data.

We’re celebrating the International Year of Light with a video contest where we ask you to tell us what light means to you.

Examining two new report by NREL into trade-offs of owning of leasing photovoltaic systems.

Using a medium to compress and shorten intense laser pulses.

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