Energy news, February 2020

Laser-etched metal improves solar power generation

Nanoscale structures improve on spectral absorption

A new bendable supercapacitor made from graphene can charge quickly and safely store a record-high level of energy for use over a long period.

Researchers have developed a computer model that can predict the thermochemistry of a new high-performance electric solid propellant.

Bacterial protein nanowires generate electricity using atmospheric moisture

Perovskite films tend to crack easily, but scientists have now found that those cracks are easily healed with some compression or a little bit of heat.

Using two forms of tomography and an algorithm for unrolling papyrus scrolls, researchers have investigated the surfaces of cylindrical electrodes.

A new technique for precisely measuring the concentration of defects in cathodes has revealed that a small amount of defects can enhance performance.

Secondary ion mass spectrometry has confirmed that the solid-electrolyte interphase (SEI) consists of two layers: one hard and one more liquid-like.

A novel co-polymer that can conduct ions and is also highly permeable to oxygen could make an ideal membrane for use in hydrogen fuel cells.

Scientists have found that a coating of alumina can protect the cathodes in lithium-ion batteries by trapping lithium.

A novel metal-organic framework coating for electronic devices can release water vapor to dissipate the heat these devices generate.

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Revisiting an old technology to capture energy from the rolling sea.


Using various analytical techniques, researchers have established how hydrogen bonding plays a key role in the performance of perovskite solar cells.

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A thin layer of fullerene molecules allows electrons to travel further than previously thought possible in organic solar cells and organic semiconductors.
