Energy news, July 2022

Researchers have developed a method for the large-scale manufacture of highly efficient and semi-transparent solar cells.

energy-saving, green gas separation process uses boron nitride (BN) powers and ball milling

By developing a novel electrolyte, researchers have produced a sodium-ion battery with greatly extended longevity.

New material makes artificial muscles that are stronger and more flexible than their biological counterparts

Photoelectric detector could be a low-cost route to detecting atmospheric pollutants

By combining iron with carbon and nitrogen, researchers have produced a new fuel cell catalyst that is efficient, durable and inexpensive.

A light-powered catalyst made from gallium nitride nanowires covered in nanoparticles can transform carbon dioxide into synthesis gas.

By adopting a new electrolyte, researchers have developed lithium-ion batteries that perform well at both freezing cold and scorching hot temperatures.

Researchers have developed a light-powered metal-organic framework catalyst that can efficiently convert methane into methanol.

Researchers have discovered that adding nanostructures to the micro-partices that make up electrodes could lead to better batteries.

Researchers have developed liquefied gas electrolytes that could be used to produce lithium-ion batteries that are sustainable and fire-extinguishing.

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A new computational method can efficiently identify the best metal-organic frameworks for capturing carbon dioxide emissions.