Energy news, November 2022

Dendrites can be prevented from travelling between electrodes in a solid-state lithium-metal battery by simply applying mechanical stress.

flexible three-dimensional piezoelectric nanocomposite with integrated electrodes makes useful energy harvesting device

Researchers have uncovered the dance that goes on between cerium, sulfates and water in a cerium-based flow cell battery.

Using a new electron microscopy technique and data mining, researchers have mapped out altered domains in rechargeable ion batteries at the nanoscale.

Using microstratucture engineering, researchers have improved the properties of manganese bismuth, a rare-earth-free magnetic material.

Researchers have developed a combined electrolyte and cathode that can enhance the energy density of nonrechargeable batteries.

By shifting the oxidation-reduction potential of a lithium-metal electrode, researchers have enhanced the energy density of lithium-metal batteries.

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A thin layer of fullerene molecules allows electrons to travel further than previously thought possible in organic solar cells and organic semiconductors.


Read Yury Gogotsi's responses to his webinar: MXenes: a new family of two-dimensional materials.