FIGURE. Conceptual outline of nanoplastics collection. (a) Schematic of functionalized SPION and the chemical formulas of PAC12NC18 and PAC18, respectively. (b) Colorized SEM images and chemical formulas of the used polymers PS, PMMA, and MR, respectively. (c) Schematic of a cluster of PS and SPION-PAC12NC18. The SPION adsorb on the NP surface and thus, larger clusters grow. Color codes in a–c correlate to a positive (red) and negative (blue) zeta potential, respectively. (d) Photograph of the NP collection principle. MR contaminated water (left) is treated with SPION-PAC18 (middle). After magnetic collection, the nanoplastics is removed with the SPION (right).
FIGURE. Conceptual outline of nanoplastics collection. (a) Schematic of functionalized SPION and the chemical formulas of PAC12NC18 and PAC18, respectively. (b) Colorized SEM images and chemical formulas of the used polymers PS, PMMA, and MR, respectively. (c) Schematic of a cluster of PS and SPION-PAC12NC18. The SPION adsorb on the NP surface and thus, larger clusters grow. Color codes in a–c correlate to a positive (red) and negative (blue) zeta potential, respectively. (d) Photograph of the NP collection principle. MR contaminated water (left) is treated with SPION-PAC18 (middle). After magnetic collection, the nanoplastics is removed with the SPION (right).
SCHEME. Schematic illustration of interfacial engineering of heterogeneous catalysts (left)); The relationship between structure-characterization-catalytic performance of interfacial engineered electrocatalyst (right).
SCHEME. Schematic illustration of interfacial engineering of heterogeneous catalysts (left)); The relationship between structure-characterization-catalytic performance of interfacial engineered electrocatalyst (right).

There are 6 research articles and 10 review articles indexed in the newly released volume of Materials Today. The EiCs of Materials Today, Prof. Jun Lou and Prof. Gleb Yushin, hereby would like to recommend the below articles to you:   

1.) The remediation of nano-/microplastics from water Research Article

Micro- and nanoplastic debris are emerging contaminants. While their occurrence has been demonstrated in nearly all areas on the planet – in water, on land, in the air, and even in animals and humans –, remediation concepts are still extremely rare and focused on microplastics. In this work, the authors have demonstrated the first concept for the removal of plastic litter with focus on nanoscale debris and have verified the broad applicability regardless the type of polymer or the water to be remediated.

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2.) Interfacial engineering of heterogeneous catalysts for electrocatalysisReview

Electrocatalysis is recognized as a practical process for chemical energy conversion, which has attracted considerable research efforts in the design and development of high-performing electrocatalysts in recent decades. The interface formed between two or more components in heterogeneous catalyst plays a critical role for electrocatalysis as it can tune the electron structure to enhance the catalytic performance. In this review, the recent advancement of interfacial engineering in heterogeneous catalyst for electrocatalytic application is reviewed. We start with introducing theoretical basics relay on electronic information of the interface structure and focusing on the interaction between the interface structure and reactant. Then, the most widely employed strategies for interface structure construction are summarized. Subsequently, the latest advanced techniques, involving ex situ and in situ approaches, for interface structure characterization and identification in electrocatalysis applications are discussed. Finally, some perspectives and challenges on materials design and research about interfacial engineering for electrocatalysis are represented.

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FIGURE. Smart energy storage solutions for specialized applications. Key features of advanced energy storage devices with their corresponding benefits that are being covered in the current review: (i) integration, (ii) flexibility, and (iii) multifunctionality.
FIGURE. Smart energy storage solutions for specialized applications. Key features of advanced energy storage devices with their corresponding benefits that are being covered in the current review: (i) integration, (ii) flexibility, and (iii) multifunctionality.

3.) Materials and technologies for multifunctional, flexible or integrated supercapacitors and batteriesReview

Electrochemical energy storage has become a key part of portable medical and electronic devices, as well as ground and aerial vehicles. Unfortunately, conventionally produced supercapacitors and batteries often cannot be easily integrated into many emerging technologies such as smart textiles, etc., to enhance their design aesthetics, convenience, system simplicity, and reliability. In addition, conventional energy storage devices that cannot conform to various shapes, are typically limited to a single function, and cannot additionally provide, for example, load bearing functionality or impact/ballistic protection to reduce the system weight or volume. Commercial devices cannot be activated by various stimuli, be able to self-destroy or biodegrade over time, trigger drug release, operate as sensors, antennas, or actuators. However, a growing number of future technologies will demand batteries and hybrid devices with the abilities to seamlessly integrate into systems and adapt to various shapes, forms, and design functions. Here we summarize recent progress and challenges made in the development of mostly nanostructured and nanoengineered materials as well as fabrication routes for energy storage devices that offer (i) multifunctionality, (ii) mechanical resiliency and flexibility and (iii) integration for more elegant, lighter, smaller and smarter designs. The geometries of device structures and materials are considered to critically define their roles in mechanics and functionality. With these understandings, we outline a future roadmap for the development, scaleup, and manufacturing of such materials and devices.

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