Mechanical properties news, August 2020

Researchers have found that cooling graphene while it is attached to a flat surface will cause it to buckle, altering its electronic properties.

Scintillating sintering improved

By studying shaving with a scanning electron microscope, engineers have determined how a razor blade can be damaged as it cuts human hair.

new highly absorbent, breathable polymer fabric protects wearers against harmful aerosols and chemical warfare agents

new 'micro' approach to electronic waste recycling could create valuable renewable resources

We are excited to announce that Elsevier in collaboration with SPIE, titled Photonic Materials and Applications.

Using standard semiconductor fabrication processes, engineers have found a way to fabricate perovskites as single-crystal thin films.

A self-healing material patterned after squid ring teeth protein could be used to repair materials that are under continual repetitive movement.

By modifying thermoset plastics with a chemical linker, chemists have made them much easier to break down while retaining their mechanical strength.

systematic approach to growing 2D crystals using CVD based on large-scale databases and machine learning

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