Metals and alloys news, February 2018

Novel smart material stiffens up when stressed

A novel material made of liquid-metal particles embedded in a rubbery elastomer can stiffen by up to 300% when subjected to mechanical stress.

Sapphire substrate controls crystal growth over large areas

A novel multistep process can fabricate single crystal, atomically thin films of tungsten diselenide across large-area sapphire substrates.

Scientists have found a new state of magnetism that may help them understand the link between magnetism and unconventional superconductivity.

A novel laser-based method can measure stresses and strains in a 2D material, allowing scientists to probe their effect on the material's properties.

A thin film made from iron, cobalt and manganese may have a magnetization density that is 50% greater than a previously considered maximum limit.

Researchers have come up with a new titanium-based material for making lead-free, inorganic perovskite solar cells.

You're invited to attend the Acta Materialia Gold and Silver Award Ceremony!

Researchers have employed the power of the sun to build functional synthetic polymers using photosensitive, semiconducting quantum dots as a catalyst.

Micron-sized spheres coming together under the influence of a spinning magnetic field can be used to model 2D materials and other molecular systems.

Scientists have found that multiple quantum interactions can coexist in a single bismuth-based material and be controlled by an electric field.

A novel metal-organic framework able to adsorb twice its weight in water could control humidity in an eco-friendly and cost-effective way.

A new electron microscopy technique can precisely determine the temperature and temperature-dependent behavior of two-dimensional materials.

By fabricating an ultrathin material known as a thin film structure, scientists have been able to observe a two-dimensional hole gas for the first time.

Scientists have uncovered evidence of rotating vibrations known as chiral phonons in a 2D material, which could be used for new forms of computing.

A lithium-ion battery shaped like the human spine shows remarkable flexibility, high energy density and stable voltage while being flexed or twisted.

An analytical platform known as MAESTRO can zero in on signatures of exotic behavior by electrons in a 2D material with microscale resolution.

Using a silver nanowire and a 2D material, researchers have found a way to convert electron spin information into a predictable light signal.

Researchers have identified a mechanism that triggers shape-memory phenomena in the organic crystals used in plastic electronics.

Scientists have synthesized a novel form of titanium nitride, called titanic nitride, which has promising mechanical and optoelectronic properties.

Scientists have developed a new process for encouraging molecules to form complex tiling patterns known as tessellations through self-organization.

A novel inorganic halide perovskite can act as a solar cell material and be reversibly switched between a transparent state and a non-transparent state.

Scientists have greatly reduced the fragility of molten-electrode batteries by replacing the usual ceramic membrane with a metal mesh membrane.

Additive manufacturing enables an improvement in the strength of 316L stainless steel without adversely affecting ductility.

Scientists have produced the the first truly planar sample of stanene, an atom-thick sheet of tin atoms, by growing it on an alloy of silver and tin.

Lining up gold or silver nanocubes in edge-to-edge configuration improves sensitivity performance in molecular sensing.

‘Dual-mode’ radiative thermal management textile can provide both warming and cooling.

A scaffold made of crumpled graphene balls can prevent the formation of dendrites in lithium metal batteries while withstanding volume changes.

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A novel platinum-gold alloy, 100 times more durable than high-strength steel, is believed to be the most wear-resistant metal in the world.

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Researchers have discovered that a gold nanocluster can exist in two different atomic arrangements, or polymorphs.


Read Yury Gogotsi's responses to his webinar: MXenes: a new family of two-dimensional materials.

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Jun ’24