Metals and alloys news, July 2022

Researchers have shown that depositing a layer of buckyballs onto a gold surface does not turn it into an artificial version of graphene.

Researchers have developed a method for synthesizing 2D materials known as heterolayer coordination nanosheets between two liquids.

Researchers have used supercomputer simulations to discover new high-entropy alloys and determine their properties.

Researchers have developed a method for the large-scale manufacture of highly efficient and semi-transparent solar cells.

Researchers have demonstrated a new platform for guiding compressed light waves in very thin van der Waals crystals.

By combining iron with carbon and nitrogen, researchers have produced a new fuel cell catalyst that is efficient, durable and inexpensive.

A light-powered catalyst made from gallium nitride nanowires covered in nanoparticles can transform carbon dioxide into synthesis gas.

For the first time, researchers have observed electrons flowing as vortices, or whirlpools, in a two-dimensional material.

Researchers have shown that magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles can be used to clean teeth, acting as as a toothbrush, rinse and dental floss.

Researchers have discovered the importance of a quantum phase transition known as the Anderson transition to thermoelectric materials.

In a counterintuitive discovery, researchers have found that the magnetic spins in neodymium ‘freeze’ into a static pattern when the temperature rises.

Using X-ray absorption spectroscopy and computer simulations, researchers have studied the local structure of a model high-entropy alloy.

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Scientists have developed a fast, non-destructive optical method for analyzing defects in 2D materials


A lightweight sunshield has been developed to protect the mirrors and instruments aboard the James Webb Space Telescope from solar radiation.


Read Yury Gogotsi's responses to his webinar: MXenes: a new family of two-dimensional materials.

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