Optical materials news, March 2020

Organic semiconductors improved by polymer combination

Researchers have found that small grooves in filter paper can cause single-walled carbon nanotubes to line up side-by-side in 2D films.

Producing single crystalline GaN nanowire growth based on an amorphous substrate

Prof. Barbara Rothen-Rutishauser is using an Agents of Change grant to empower women in academia

Researchers have synthesized a crystalline material with two properties previously unseen in a single material: ferroelectricity and chirality.

new nanoparticle catalyst could drive artificial photosynthesis to provide clean energy while removing anthropogenic CO2 from the atmosphere

Researchers have used circularly polarized mid-infrared light to control and enhance the chirality of electron distribution in a 2D material.

By changing density in response to illumination with a beam of light, a novel hydrogel can trap light inside specific sections of itself.

When placed on top of passive silicon waveguides, 2D materials can change the phase of light as strongly as existing silicon phase modulators.

Researchers have used small molecules that fluoresce after the impact of mechanical force to detect damage in fiber-reinforced polymers.

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A thin layer of fullerene molecules allows electrons to travel further than previously thought possible in organic solar cells and organic semiconductors.


A lightweight sunshield has been developed to protect the mirrors and instruments aboard the James Webb Space Telescope from solar radiation.


Researchers have created a stretchable photodetector with enhanced, strain-tunable photoresponsivity by engineering 2D graphene into 3D structures.