Optical materials news, October 2020

Researchers have grown twisting spirals by depositing sheets of 2D material on a substrate that was curved slightly by slipping a nanoparticle underneath.

Solar panel checkerboard design improves light absorption

New solar cell design improves their ability to absorb light

A new type of topological insulator can efficiently propagate an exotic form of quasiparticle known as an exciton-polariton at warmer temperatures.

By positioning a metallic probe over a defect in a 2D semiconductor, researchers were able to electrically trigger emission of a single photon.

Applying strain to tiny needles of diamond can transform their electronic properties from insulating, through semiconducting, to highly conductive.

Multilayered solar panels with pristine interfaces have the potential to be 1.5 times more efficient than traditional silicon panels.

Using a simple vapor treatment, researchers have transformed a photoinactive material in perovskite solar cells into a photosensitive version.

For the first time, researchers have devised a process for the self-assembly of colloids in a diamond formation, which could be used for filtering light.

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