The journal of computational condensed matter publishes articles based on computational modeling of novel physical properties of materials, ranging from the synthesis, characterization and processing of materials, structures and devices to the numerical methodology of materials simulations.

Any contributions on quantum, classical and statistical mechanical studies, such as, but not limited to:

1. Structural and Mechanical properties and defects
2. Disordered Systems
3. Dynamics, lattice effects and supraconductivity
4. Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
5. Electronic Structure , Excited states, Electronic transport
6. Surfaces, Interfaces, Hybrid materials, and Topological materials
7. Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies
8. Machine Learning and Big data applied to Condensed Matter

are of interest to this journal. The computed physics properties should be based on the application of modern computational methods, such as:

• First principle calculations
• Density functional theory
• Excited states properties based on the so called GW method or any other many-body perturbation method
• Atomic and molecular-scale simulations based on either Monte Carlo or Molecular Dynamics techniques
• Semi-empirical simulations based either on tight-binding, or embedded-atom methods
• Other modeling techniques using macroscopic input, such as FE-methods or multiscale modeling.
The journal also publishes articles on the development or implementation of new methodologies and/or the improvement of existing computational methods or techniques.

Research articles will be assessed based on originality and scientific merit. The journal will not consider articles based solely on results obtained using available computer codes without producing significant new results that contribute to the improvement of computational condensed matter physics. The authors should motivate their study by giving a state of the art in their actual research area and state clearly the objective of their work. For more details, please read the Guide for Authors.