Following global growth and expansion, GALM USA Detroit is returning with a brand new program on how to 'Implement Lightweighting Innovations & Optimize Multi-Material Architectures For EVs, Autonomous Vehicles & Next Gen ICEVs.

Summit participants will benefit from:

New agenda topics and themes researched with industry peers that fully reflect the evolution to a new generation of vehicles, including how the design and technical challenges posed by EVs in terms of costs and margins are being overcome.

A highly informative mix of practical in-depth technical sessions, case study-led presentations and forward looking panels featuring leading OEMs, supplier innovations, technical experts and engineering professionals

Technology innovation showcase comprising world leading providers of advanced materials, technologies, manufacturing solutions, BIWs and live demonstrations in the adjoining exhibition hall to ensure participants are fully up-to-speed on key industry developments and directions.

Unrivaled networking opportunities including lunches, coffee breaks and drinks reception that ensure an interactive, dynamic gathering for engineers from OEMs, leading suppliers and technology innovators on automotive structures and materials.

A unique holistic perspective offering practical insights and thought leadership on lightweighting covering advanced materials, body structures and related integration and optimisation issues, CAE and simulation tools and techniques, joining and testing technologies, coupled with best practices and business cases for implementing those advancements into existing production lines.

For more information please visit the website.