Characterization CHANGE TOPIC

Characterization comment

CNTs: Culprit or witness of air pollution?

Anthropogenic carbon nanotubes and other carbon nanoparticles have been identified as the major components of PM2.5

Understanding the effects of manufactured nanomaterials on human health is crucial.

Under pressure, does hydrogen become a metal?

Comment by Sean McGee, Dassault Systèmes BIOVIA.

The first dog walk from York to Stonehenge, isotopic analysis

The trouble with anachronistic acronyms - graphic by Derek Ham

Browse a selection of papers related to the behaviour of H in a range of metals and metallic alloys.

Pöyry’s Head of Biofutures, Petri Vasara, calls for a recarbonisation revolution of global material flows.

China and USA are front-runners, competitors and collaborators in the field of nanotechnology

Explore the science behind the winning cover images.

Educational worries about the advent of nootropic, brain-boosting, drugs

Nature shows the way for the design and structure of new material surfaces.

A day not to celebrate.

Filling a knowledge gap to aid climate change and meteorological.

Science meets art, reflecting on the centenary of crystallography - exhibition.

This year's Nobel Prize for Chemistry goes to nanoscopy.

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Scientists have uncovered the mechanisms that cause a mixture of cornstarch and water known as ‘oobleck’ to switch between a liquid and a solid.


Researchers have determined exactly how some sorbent materials capture and release carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.


In the presence of a moiré pattern, electrons in graphene organize themselves into stripes, providing a link with superconductors.


boron arsenide (BAs) has unusually high thermal conductivity, which could help keep the next generation of electronic and optoelectronic devices cooler