Materials chemistry comment

Reversible fusion and defusion of immiscible polymers starting from crosslinked networks

Reversible fusion/defusion of immiscible polymers

Bonnet and gloves OR The problem of permeation and pinholes

Gravity waves and the origins of the post-iron chemical elements.

What does the p in pH stand for?

Using algae as a building material.

Weighing up the Anthropocene

Relativity and the properties of materials

Comment by Sean McGee, Dassault Systèmes BIOVIA.

Nobel chemist Fraser Stoddart on European unity and science

The biological environment interacts with nanoparticles, changing their structure and properties and thus their potential toxicity.

Diving conditions at the Olympics and social media story

An alternative to the rice treatment for your soaked gadget

The circle of life told in waterfalls, iron oxide, paints and junipers

Browse a selection of papers related to the behaviour of H in a range of metals and metallic alloys.

Pöyry’s Head of Biofutures, Petri Vasara, calls for a recarbonisation revolution of global material flows.

How to figure out whether contaminated with ions nanoparticles can actually purify liquid crystals from ions?

China and USA are front-runners, competitors and collaborators in the field of nanotechnology

New bond hits the sweet spot for science journalist

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Oct ’24