Articles available from Materials Today Communications

To celebrate the first two issues of Materials Today Communications, please find here a selection of article covering a range of topics, from polymers to carbon-based nanomaterials, which have recently been published in the journal, which publishes peer-reviewed articles that meet the standards of quality set by the Editors and Referees of our sister journals, but which were considered unsuitable for publication in those journals and transferred and accepted for publication in Materials Today Communications, without resubmission, and within an average of 10 days.

Strain-dependent dynamic mechanical properties of Kevlar to failure: Structural correlations and comparisons to other polymers
Shilpa N. Raja Sandip Basu, Aditya M. Limaye, Turner J. Anderson, Christina M. Hyland, Liwei Lin, A. Paul Alivisatos, Robert O. Ritchie
Materials Today Communications, 2 (2015), Pages e33-e37.

Free radical induced graft copolymerization of ethyl acrylate onto SOY for multifunctional materials
Vijay Kumar Thakur, Michael R. Kessler
Materials Today Communications, 1-2 (2014), Pages 34-41.

Functional mikto-arm star terpolymers by an association-and-reaction strategy
Heng Hu, Guojun Liu
Materials Today Communications, 1-2 (2014), Pages 9-18.

A possible scalable method for the synthesis of Sn-containing carbon nanostructures
Ali Reza Kamali, Derek J. Fray
Materials Today Communications, 2 (2015), Pages e38-e48.