Structural batteries are currently being actively researched because of the their multiple benefits, which can include, reduction in weight of the device, and improved battery life and power.

Applications from torches, drones, and racing cars are all being targeted with the new technology. Smart watches and energy storage in shoes are also areas where this technology will play an important role. 

The technology if it can be scaled up and mass produced could revolutionize our lives. Engineers would be able to take a simple composite structural material and with very little effort create a structural battery, which can then play multiple roles in the device.

The military also have a very keen interest in this technology, BAE for example began work in this area to try and lighten the load of troops carrying electronic devices. 

More recently scientists have been exploring laminate composite materials comprising glass and carbon fibre, which can easily be molded and are very strong structurally and can support heavy loads, and within this composite is a unique electrolyte based on a gel polymer matrix.

Commercial devices are still some way off, most of this research is still in the laboratory or small semi technical testing labs, the opportunities however are tremendous. A lot of effort is currently being focused on the car industry as benefits are obvious, however being so heavily regulated with safety and recycling issues, perhaps the first commercial breakthrough will be something within the mass consumer market of portable devises or watches.