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Materials in 2020

Jon Evans looks back over materials science in 2020.

A dark form of aluminium oxide could help improve solar receivers while making them cheaper

Muddy deposits of polluting lead in old batteries can be recycled to help generate renewable energy

Sheets of cells that can regenerate blood vessels and be sculpted magnetically could advance bone tissue engineering

Keratin helps the formation of gold nanoclusters which have potential for medical imaging and therapeutic applications

Volume 232

new technologies aim to capture useful raw metals and materials from waste and by-products for sustainable reuse

Materials scientist, Steve Eichhorn believes cellulose could hold the key to a sustainable, low-carbon future

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Engineers from North Carolina State University, have developed a simple route to fabricating metallic wires at room temperature


Researchers have found an easy way to modify the molecular structure of a polymer commonly used in solar cells.


An Atom Probe Tomography video reconstruction of an Al-Mg-Li alloy.


Development of a new low-cost, large-area method for production of "fuzzy" carbon fibre composites with superior electrical properties.

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