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Characterization news

Using an advanced imaging technique, researchers have mapped, for the first time ever, the 3D atomic coordinates of medium- and high-entropy alloys.

A novel superconducting material is uniquely sensitive to outside stimuli, allowing its superconducting properties to be enhanced or suppressed at will.

A 3D model created by AI helped researchers to understand the formation of dislocations in complex polycrystalline materials.

Using lasers, researchers have managed to observe the ballistic movement of electrons in graphene in real time.

Researchers have demonstrated that the magnetic moment of chiral phonons is significantly enhanced in topological materials.

Researchers have combined two nanosized crystalline materials onto a single chip and shown that one can efficienctly transmit light to the other.

Researchers have shown that acoustic emissions can be used to detect defects during the laser additive manufacturing of metallic objects.

Using diamond quantum magnetometry. researchers have, for the first time, detected magnetic monopoles in a material closely related to rust.

By mapping the structural features of a 2D ferroelectric material, researchers have revealed how domains in the material impact its behavior.

Researchers have used piezoelectric nanoparticles to investigate the physical forces at play in non-Newtonian fluids.

Even at large scales, the amount of friction between two silicon surfaces is determined by microscopic chemical bonds between them.

A novel X-ray technology uses sandpaper to help capture images inside batteries and then deploys a software algorithim to fill in the blanks.

By measuring shot noise. researchers have produced the first direct evidence that electricity doesn't flow through strange metals as quasiparticles.

By examining ring shapes in silica glass, researchers have uncovered details about the structural regularity hidden in glassy materials.

Researchers have discovered that a one-dimensional metal called purple bronze can switch between insulating and superconducting states.

Researchers have shown that single atom 'promoters' enhance the activity of catalytic nanoparticles by controlling 'pacemakers' on their surface.

vacancies can be used to engineer the mechanical toughness and fracture behavior of transition metal dichalcogenides

Researchers have confirmed the presence of quantum spin liquid behavior in a new material with a triangular atomic structure.

A new 3D inkjet printing system can work with a much wider range of materials by using computer vision to monitor the printing process.

A new laser-based technique offers a non-destructive and high-throughput way to dynamically characterize microscale metamaterials.

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Scientists have uncovered the mechanisms that cause a mixture of cornstarch and water known as ‘oobleck’ to switch between a liquid and a solid.


Researchers have determined exactly how some sorbent materials capture and release carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.


In the presence of a moiré pattern, electrons in graphene organize themselves into stripes, providing a link with superconductors.


boron arsenide (BAs) has unusually high thermal conductivity, which could help keep the next generation of electronic and optoelectronic devices cooler