Mechanical properties news, June 2019

A novel polymer/carbon composite matrix with lithium microparticles could enhance the capacity and safety of lithium-metal batteries.

Bio-mimicry of polar bear fur offers insulation

Biomimicry of polar bear hairs offers synthetic heat insulating material

Engineers have uncovered how the structure of the mantis shrimp's tail appendage allows it to deliver and receive powerful blows without damage.

Antennas made from carbon nanotube films are just as efficient as copper for wireless applications, while also being tougher and more flexible.

A novel platform for altering the properties of a 2D material by putting it under strain could provide the basis for a new kind of nanoscale transistor.

Inspired by polar bear hairs, scientists have created an elastic, lightweight heat-insulating material made from hollow carbon tubes.

A new method for discovering materials using data analytics and electron microscopy has found a novel class of extremely hard alloys.

Vehicle armor based on composite metal foam can stop ball and armor-piercing .50 caliber rounds just as well as much heavier steel armor.

Bioengineers have developed injectable hydrogels with bioactive molecules anchored to the chemical crosslinkers that give the gels structure.

The strain created by growing 2D crystals over 3D objects can be used to tailor the crystals' optoelectronic properties.

By incorporating liquid metal droplets into an elastomer, researchers have created a highly stretchable, soft, multi-functional composite.

Scientists have discovered that the elasticity of gels arises from the packing of clusters of particles, dubbed locally glassy clusters, in the gels.

Nanocubes coated with single-stranded DNA chains assemble into an unusual ‘zigzag’ arrangement that has never been observed before.

The gas separation ability of metal-organic frameworks can be greatly improved by using rapid heat treatment to make their lattice structure rigid.

By permanently stressing graphene with a novel laser technique, researchers have been able to provide it with the largest ever band gap.

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