Energy news, June 2016

Scientists have enhanced the light-harvesting abilities of solar cells by giving them a surface that replicates the structure of rose petals.

New copper nanoparticle/graphene catalyst can transform carbon dioxide into useful hydrocarbons with high temperatures and pressures.

Scientists have made ultra-thin solar cells from gallium arsenide that are flexible enough to wrap around the average pencil.

Charge density waves induced at the interfaces between layers of ferromagnetic and superconducting materials extend deeply into superconducting regions.

Using a supercomputer, scientists have managed to produce an accurate model showing how superconductivity develops in cuprates.

Scientists have developed a novel tri-layer metasurface solar absorber comprising a layer of amorphous carbon sandwiched between thin gold films.

Read about the event at IMDEA Materials Institute, Madrid, Spain, which will honor Professor Subra Suresh.

Researchers have discovered a metal-organic framework that can capture xenon and krypton as part of nuclear fuel recycling.

Windows that change transparency could be powered by photovoltaic solar cells, say Irish researchers.

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Disordered rocksalt made of lithium, vanadium and oxygen makes a safe, powerful. long-lasting anode material for lithium-ion batteries.

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Scientists have shown that films of carbon nanotubes can effectively stop dendrites from growing from the anodes in lithium-metal batteries.