Energy news, July 2021

MXene-polymer composite blocks electromagnetic pollution

new lightweight composite material composed of MXene and polystyrene beads could shield electromagnetic pollution

By creating electrically conductive paths through a thick silicon dioxide layer, researchers have efficiently split off oxygen molecules from water.

simple, cheap, biocompatible cell culture substrate uses gold nanorods to unlock stem cells in large numbers for regenerative medicine

Researchers have shown that a transparent phosphate salt can prevent lead leaching out of halide perovskites when they're exposed to water.

By using thin strips of lithium as the anode, researchers have created a lithium-metal battery that lasts for an unprecedented 600 cycles.

Researchers have developed a simple, low-cost technique that allows them to follow lithium ions moving in real time as a battery charges and discharges.

Researchers have produced 2D perovskite crystals that are stable and highly efficient at harvesting electricity from sunlight by growing them from seeds.

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