Crystalline CHANGE TOPIC

Crystalline materials news, September 2019

Researchers have used computational techniques to identify 43 previously unknown forms of carbon that are thought to be stable and superhard.

A novel nanocomposite comprising bacteria-generated tellurium nanorods embedded in a polymer makes an effective nonlinear optical material.

Scientists have discovered a long-sought ‘quantum spin liquid state’ in sodium ytterbium oxide, which could prove of use for quantum computing.

Researchers report the first direct observation of transition carriers between different localization states within indium gallium nitride.

Researchers have developed a novel method for removing lattice defects from crystals, which they successfully tested on a boron crystal.

A structural transition in a ferroelastic material caused by heating resembles the periodic doubling seen in non-linear dynamical systems.

Researchers have created 2D flakes made up of domains of molybdenum diselenide and rhenium diselenide with a sharp divide between them.

Nanocomposite telecom switches could help expand broadband

Researchers have developed a new method for making highly desirable catalysts from crystalline metal nanoparticles with 24 different faces.

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boron arsenide (BAs) has unusually high thermal conductivity, which could help keep the next generation of electronic and optoelectronic devices cooler