Materials news, January 2021

Carbon spheres soak up carbon dioxide

carbon spheres, which can be produced easily and greenly, could adsorb carbon dioxide from industrial processes

Squeezing a promising perovskite material in a diamond anvil cell produces a so-called 'black' phase that's stable enough for solar power applications.

A new model has revealed that the strength of carbon nanotube fibers depends on the length of the nanotubes and the friction between them.

Researchers have observed metallic line defects in a perovskite crystal, which offer a novel way to create materials that are transparent and conductive.

By using gold nanobars to 'sculpt' light around catalytic palladium nanorods, researchers managed to endow them with new abilities.

By enhancing an algorithm based on the nesting habits of cuckoo birds, scientists have greatly reduced the search time for new high-tech alloys.

By combining low-fidelity and high-fidelity data, researchers have developed a new machine-learning method to predict the properties of materials.

Researchers have developed the first nanomaterial able to demonstrate 'photon avalanching', where one photon triggers the emission of many photons.

surface topography of the pitcher plant creates the right conditions for insects to slip into its trap

Synthetic collagen could offer controlled-release drug delivery and tissue engineering

Researchers have developed a new method for predicting the specific colors of thin films made by combining any of 466 different carbon nanotubes.

nanometer thin layers of ZnO on SiO2 show record levels of piezoelectricity

The properties of elastic modulus and glass transition temperature can determine the best materials for creating stable organic solar cells.

Using DNA origami and niobium nitride, researchers have produced superconducting nanostructures for use in nanoelectronic circuits.

Researchers have found that capsaicin, the compound that makes chilli peppers spicy, can enhance the efficiency and stability of perovskite solar cells.

Physicists have observed quantum oscillations, which are normally only found in metals, in a 2D insulator made from tungsten ditelluride.

Researchers have discovered that the surface atomic layer of a catalyst for splitting water can re-arrange itself to boost its catalytic activity.

An anode made from a zinc- and manganese-based alloy opens the door to replacing the solvents commonly used in battery electrolytes with seawater.

Advanced characterization tools have helped to reveal the structural and chemical evolution of strontium catalyst during the oxygen evolution reaction.

Biosensing platform detects Covid-19 antibodies in seconds

Researchers have shown that a combination of engineered nanodroplets and an ultrasound 'drill' can break up particularly tough blood clots.

Researchers have discovered that antioxidants can help prevent the damage to conducting polymers caused by transmission electron microscopy.

Alternative uses for coal shown in single stage process

Inspired by the color-changing skin of octopuses, engineers have created a 3D-printed smart gel that can change shape and color when exposed to light.

Using machine learning, researchers have been able to complete cumbersome materials science calculations more than 40,000 times faster than normal.

Researchers have utilized reactive molecules called radical-type 'mechanophores' to visualize polymer crystallization in real time.

For the first time, scientists have observed the formation of fleeting distortions known as polarons in the atomic lattice of hybrid perovskites.

For the first time, researchers have created a higher-order topological insulator by stacking 2D crystals of bismuth in a specific arrangement.

porous iron has great potential as a scaffold for bone repair

Creating a uniform membrane density is crucial for maximizing the performance of polymer membranes for water desalination.

characterization of bulk metallic glasses reveals hierarchical structure that determines strength

An inexpensive catalyst made from tiny clusters of nickel metal anchored to a 2D substrate is highly effective at extracting hydrogen from alcohols.

Biomedical metallic implants improved with 3D printing

Researchers have uncovered topological properties in cobalt disulfide that could allow this magnetic material to be used for spintronics applications.

Cracks reveal thermal change in biomimetic composite

polymer NPs can elude the immune system and cross the blood brain barrier

Controlling the interlayer twist angle in 2D materials

Researchers have developed 2D membranes with single atom-sized pores that can be used for liquid and gas filtration.

Self-repairing gelatin-based film that can repair itself multiple times

A novel machine-learning model can accurately predict the hardness of new materials based solely on their chemical composition.

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